ARDK 2.4.1 Release Notes 2022-12-09

What’s New

  • [Experimental Features] In order to speed up our feedback loop, ARDK provides experimental features. These features are available for testing and feedback but are in early stages of development, subject to change, and may not reflect final designs or APIs. Experimental features should not be used in production products and are unsupported. We want interested developers to use these experimental features and provide feedback. If you have feedback on an experimental feature, post your feedback in the Lightship Developer Community.

  • [Developer Tools - Beta] VPS Remote Authoring is now available. Use Remote Authoring to create VPS content from within Unity. Download VPS Wayspot meshes and use the Remote Authoring Unity tools to create and position Wayspot Anchors. Save your anchors and use them as you develop your Unity project. Learn more at Getting Started with Lightship VPS.

  • [Developer Tools - Experimental] Playback (experimental) is now supported on Apple Silicon versions of Unity. Use Playback mode to run your AR application inside Unity using recorded AR datasets that contain camera pose data, frame images, and location data.

  • For more information on Experimental and Beta feature expectations, see


  • [Developer Platform] The ARDK Android build process now automatically adds an ARCore build dependency. You no longer need to manually add ARCore to a custom AndroidManifest.xml. The Android build documentation has been updated to reflect this, and also include a list of build dependencies that ARDK adds. Note that you still need to install gradle version 6.7.1 or better if you’re using Unity 2021 or earlier, as described in the Android build documentation.

  • [Developer Platform] ARDK now has Apple Silicon native support when running on an Apple Silicon Mac using Unity 2021 “Apple Silicon” or better.

Bug Fixes

  • [Contextual Awareness] Fixed bug where orientation of context awareness buffers was sometimes incorrect. Note: In order for context awareness buffers to appear correct in Mock and Playback modes, Camera.main (the camera with the “MainCamera” tag) must be the AR camera.

  • [VPS] Fixed bug that prevented ErrorLocationDataNotAvailable from being surfaced.

Known Issues

  • [Basic AR] On iOS, developers should request the GPUTexture in the callback to avoid jittering in camera feed.

  • [Wayspot Anchors] Wayspot Anchor create and restore latency has increased significantly (up to 300ms).