class MockMap (Niantic.ARDK.VirtualStudio.AR.Mock.MockMap)


A map will be discovered at this location in TimeToDiscovery seconds after an ARSession starts running. More…

class MockMap: Niantic.ARDK.VirtualStudio.AR.Mock.MockDetectableBase {

Inherited Members

    // interfaces

    interface _ISessionHelper;

    // classes

    class _SessionHelper;

Detailed Documentation

A map will be discovered at this location in TimeToDiscovery seconds after an ARSession starts running.

If the local peer is the host, that means the IARNetworking.PeerStateReceived event will surface a change for the local peer for PeerState.WaitingForLocalizationData to PeerState.Stable.

Else, it will surface a for the local peer from PeerState.WaitingForLocalizationData to PeerState.Localizing, and then another TimeToDiscovery seconds later, another PeerStateReceived event will surface a change from PeerState.Localizing to PeerState.Stable.


Mock maps will only be discovered by the local player’s session. To have more control over surfacing PeerState changes, and/or to surface changes from non-local players, use the MockPlayer.SetPeerState method or the Virtual Studio Editor Window’s Mock controls.